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About us

Information for shareholders

At Sava Turizem d.d., we are aware of the importance of an effective corporate governance and management system that contributes to effective communication with our owners and to greater mutual trust. The management of the company is based on legal provisions, the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code in Slovenia, internal acts and regulations prepared in accordance with ISO standards, and established good business practice. Accordingly, we publish reports, minutes, and resolutions from shareholders’ meetings.
Through interim, annual, and extraordinary reports, Sava Turizem d.d. informs all its stakeholders about the performance of its past operations and presents the actual financial results in more detail. A clearly articulated vision and plans for achieving it, as well as the expected results, are presented in the annual and medium-term economic plans.



22. 09. 2022
Na podlagi člena 174 v povezavi z drugim odstavkom člena 140 Zakona o trgu finančnih instrumentov (ZTFI-1) družba SAVA, družba za upravljanje in financiranje, d.d., Dunajska cesta 152, 1000 Ljubljana (»Sava, d.d.«) objavlja sledeče sporočilo.
Dne 22. 9. 2022 smo prejeli obvestilo družbe York Global Finance Offshore BDH (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l. (»York«), da je bil zavezovalni pravni posel o odsvojitvi delnic v družbi Sava, d.d., sklenjen dne 28. 2. 2022, po izpolnitvi predvidenih pogojev izpeljan oziroma zaključen dne 15. 9. 2022. Po izpeljavi zavezovalnega pravnega posla oziroma izvedbi razpolagalnega pravnega posla z dne 15. 9. 2022 je število delnic Sava, d.d. v imetništvu York enako 0 (nič).
Sava, d.d.


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