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World Heart Day at Health Resort Zdravilišče Radenci

Zdravilišče Radenci
29. September 2024

The heart is the most important organ in the human body, and to raise awareness about how to take good care of it, World Heart Day is celebrated around the world every year on 29 September. Celebrate with us and join us this autumn at Health Resort Zdravilišče Radenci, which boasts more than 140 years of wellness tradition, a renowned wellness centre, and a well-known diagnostic centre for the rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients. Did you know that we are the only place in Slovenia where you can try our unique mineral wellness? We really do make your heart sing during your holiday!

September at Health resort Zdravilišče Radenci celebrates world Heart day

  • WALK TEST – AM I FIT?, every Thursday at 10 am in the company of CKZ Murska Sobota and Gornja Radgona 
  • special offer of “desserts with love” in the hotel’s Stil Bar 
  • organised walks along the “Trail of Hearts”, every Wednesday at 10 am 
  • KILOMETRES FOR LIFE campaign/under the auspices of NIJZ Murska Sobota, running from 10 September to 10 October 2024 
  • presentation and workshop on heart health at the stand of NIJZ Murska Sobota, Monday, 30 September, from 10 am
  • presentation on “Healthy Cuisine” at the stand of SŠGT Radenci with students and teachers, Monday, 30 September, from 10 am
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