Membership cards are issued in series, every other month (in the second half of January, March, May, July, September and November). You usually receive your card within 1-2 months of the date of application. It may sometimes happen that cards do not reach their recipients due to postal problems. If more than two months have passed since your application and you still haven't received the card, please let us know at info@shr-ambasador.si.
You can check the balance of Droplets and the validity of your credit on your Ambassador online profile.* Upon successful attribution of Droplets, after being issued an invoice for services at our resorts, the balance and validity are also printed at the bottom of the invoice document (with the exception of invoices at bathing complexes, where unfortunately this information cannot be printed).
If you do not use an online profile, you can also check the balance and validity of your Droplets at any SHR reception desk, or by sending an inquiry per e-mail to info@shr-ambasador.si (be sure to include your membership number in your email). In the event that you contact us from an e-mail address that you did not provide when you signed up, we also need additional personal information from you for purposes of identification (e.g. date of birth, or name of the resort/accommodation where you last stayed or purchased a service).
*A profile cannot be accessed at this time. The new Sava Hotels & Resorts website has recently been launched and we are currently in a transition phase, during which we are still working out the details of certain functionalities. This includes the final switch-on of access to the online profile for members of the Sava Hotels & Resorts Ambassador Loyalty Programme.
Once access to the profile is available, the login button will be clearly highlighted on the website and members who have provided us with their email address as part of their membership details will be notified of this option.
*A profile cannot be accessed at this time. The new Sava Hotels & Resorts website has recently been launched and we are currently in a transition phase, during which we are still working out the details of certain functionalities. This includes the final switch-on of access to the online profile for members of the Sava Hotels & Resorts Ambassador Loyalty Programme.
Once access to the profile is available, the login button will be clearly highlighted on the website and members who have provided us with their email address as part of their membership details will be notified of this option.
Droplets are valid for 18 months from your last active transaction, i.e. from the last payment for which you received Droplets. The validity of already collected Droplets can be extended with a timely new payment, which is not limited by a minimum amount (so this can be done even by purchasing a cup of coffee). If you cannot visit any of our destinations in time, we recommend purchasing a gift voucher from our online store or via our reservation centre (in this case, make sure to make the purchase in your name and state your membership number).
You can redeem your Droplets within the framework of your available credit and current benefit scheme. When you want to use your Droplets for free nights, prior announcement of use is not really necessary. Simply express your intention to redeem Droplets before we prepare the hotel bill and be sure to present your membership card.
We would also like to draw your attention to two necessary conditions that need to be met:
- it is necessary that during the visit for which you want to redeem your Droplets, you pay directly for at least one night of your stay - for yourself and for the persons staying with you in the room. The remaining nights can then be free of charge if you have enough Droplets;
- you need to book this stay directly with Sava Hotels & Resorts.
When you want to use Droplets for benefits like late check-out on the day of departure or free use of a baby cot, you must express your wish/intention in advance and obtain confirmation from the reservation service and the reception at the selected accommodation, as these benefits are subject to availability.
You can claim subsequent crediting of Droplets only in the event that it could not be arranged directly upon payment due to an error or technical problems on our side. In this case, send us a copy of the invoice to info@shr-ambasador.si no later than 30 days after the payment was made.
In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, promotions to Gold status are carried out once a year, in the month of January.
At that time, Gold status is awarded to members who, during the period of the previous calendar year (from 1.1 to 31.12 each year), fulfilled the conditions for promotion:
- either guests who individually (which means without using offers through intermediaries) stayed with us at least 3 times, each time paying for a min. of 2 nights;
- or guests that collected a minimum of 20,000 Droplets with their payments for our services during the same period.
Gold members are automatically granted their higher status by January 31 at the latest and sent their gold membership cards during the month of February.
You can manage the transfer of Droplets on your Ambassador online profile, under the »My Droplets« tab. If you transfer the Droplets to a Member who is in a close family relationship with you (spouse, common-law partner, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister), the transfer is free of charge. In all other cases, we charge 150 Droplets for this transaction.
If you do not use an online profile*, you can arrange the transfer directly at the nearest Sava Hotels & Resorts hotel reception, where you will fill out the appropriate form. To arrange the transfer, you need your membership card. You can only transfer Droplets from your own membership account. It is not possible to transfer Droplets on behalf of another person, unless you have special authorisation.
Once access to the profile is available, the login button will be clearly highlighted on the website and members who have provided us with their email address as part of their membership details will be notified of this option.
- The invoice was not issued in your name.
- You paid for accommodation booked through an intermediary.
- You paid for your stay at prices applicable to groups, tour operators, and travel agencies.
- You paid using a voucher purchased from an intermediary.
- You paid an invoice issued to a business entity (company).
- You paid an invoice issued as part of a business event.
- You paid for services at annual flat rates at a campsite.
- You paid for services that we provide through other business entities (transportation, excursions, external laundry services, flower services, etc.).
- You paid for your services using an SHR gift certificate (you can only receive Droplets when buying this type of certificate).
Platinum Ambassador status is exclusive and is possible only by invitation from the company's top-level management.
If you make an advance payment for another person's stay, you cannot claim the Droplets for yourself. However, Droplets can be acquired by the person who, on the basis of the advance payment, then actually stays at the accommodation (if, of course, they are a Member of the programme and the invoice is issued in their name). In this case, the Droplets are credited to the member's account when the final hotel bill is issued (not when the advance payment is made).
Unfortunately, we currently do not offer this type of benefit.
All claims and specific questions regarding membership and credits are handled exclusively by e-mail for the sake of traceability. Contact us at the loyalty programme headquarters (info@shr-ambasador.si), where we will carefully consider your inquiry and make sure that you receive an answer as soon as possible.

Pridružite se programu zvestobe Ambasador
Postanite Ambasador in pričnite z zbiranjem Kapljic - z bivanji v naših namestitvah, ob obiskih naših kopališč in wellness centrov ter med uživanjem v naši raznoliki gostinski ponudbi.
Podatki na spletni strani so informativne narave, zato preverite Splošne pogoje.
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