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Visitors' Day

21. 09. 2024 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Visitors' Day, Saturday 21st September 2024, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at Wellness Mirta.
Treat yourself to pampering of your body, mind, and spirit in our saunas and whirlpool with an Ancient Roman touch, and try out our many other wellness services at affordable prices.

  • FREE facial skin diagnostics,
  • 25-minute facial treatments for only EUR 25,
  • upon booking a service, you receive free 1-hour admission to our sauna area before your appointment,
  • upon booking another facial care treatment, you receive a 10% discount, and a 25% discount with a package of four treatments,
  • we will also give you follow-up advice for proper skin care at home to achieve and maintain a fresh and youthful appearance!                                          

You will be able to try out our exclusive facial treatments:

  • Dry and dehydrated skin care, enriches with arnica and vitamins:: 40 min, EUR 45
  • Tropical facial care for skin regeneration and refreshment with deep cleansing: 55 min, EUR 58

A warm welcome!

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