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Rehabilitation programme following spinal injuries and operations

from 109500 per program
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Treatment can be functional or operative, depending on what the traumatologist determines. Rehabilitation of patients after a spinal injury should be started as soon as possible, immediately after treatment with a traumatologist concludes. The goal of rehabilitation is to achieve an optimal functional result, or to restore the state as it was before the injury.

  • reduces pain
  • increases joint mobility
  • strengthens endurance and muscle strength
  • relaxes and regenerates
Programme description
The spine is a dynamic system consisting of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments, and muscles. When a strong force is applied to this system, all units collapse. If the bones are diseased (osteoporosis, tumour changes), a fracture can occur even with the slightest of stresses.
The clinical signs of injury depend on the type of fracture and the degree of injury. The signs are: pain upon direct pressure on the damaged vertebra, impaired mobility of the spine, neurological deficits, deformation of the spine, zonal pain across the chest and abdomen, signs of paralytic ileus.
The goal of rehabilitation is, as mentioned above, to achieve an optimal functional result, or to restore the state as it was before the injury.
This means:
correct walking pattern
appropriate and painless mobility of the injured part of the spine
adequate strength of the muscles along the spine
proper movement coordination
independence in daily tasks
Thermal water is very beneficial in rehabilitation following spinal injuries and operations. The patient walks in the water in a relaxed position and exercises the whole body in a very pleasant way. Next, it is important to properly learn exercises for spinal stabilisation. With the help of methods from the field of physical medicine, we relieve pain, relax muscles, and reduce swelling.
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