Contour line

Pleasant thermotherapy helps reduce and alleviate pain from muscle tension, degenerative rheumatism, and arthrosis. The heat stimulates blood circulation, thus improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, as well as increasing the stretch and flexibility of soft tissues.

Zdravilišče Radenci
Terme 3000
Terme Ptuj
Within physiotherapy, thermotherapy in the form of thermopacks effectively helps with chronic pain.
Cooling or cryotherapy is the most widespread procedure for treating sports injuries. Tissue cooling can be achieved with cold compresses, cryomassage, and cryopacks.
Terme 3000

While soaking in liquid paraffin, the hands are coated with a gentle warm layer, and the skin is deeply cleansed, moisturised, and nourished. This is especially recommended for patients with rheumatic diseases, as paraffin effectively retains heat and therefore relieves pain.

Zdravilišče Radenci
Terme 3000

This treatment relieves pain and, at the same time, helps prevent new diseases of the locomotor system. The high temperatures of the warm thermal wraps provide for better blood circulation, relieve pain in the lower back and joints, reduce muscle tension, and loosen connective tissue.

  • improving blood circulation
  • pain relief
  • reducing tension
  • loosening of connective tissues
Terme Ptuj

A peat wrap is an organic peloid that has a thermal, chemical, and mechanical effect. It accelerates healing processes in the body, improves metabolism, and reduces and softens various growths and scars. It's recommended for reduced joint mobility and for pain of rheumatic and degenerative origin

  • acceleration of the body's healing processes
  • softening of scars
  • improving metabolism
Terme Ptuj

Warming with infrared light.

Methods for booking appointments

Methods for booking appointments at Terme 3000

By phone

Methods for booking appointments at Terme Ptuj

By phone

Methods for booking appointments at Health Resort Zdravilišče Radenci

By phone
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